Monday, March 28, 2011

Mr. Belding

The absolute worst Principal in the history of all educationdom(I know this isn't a word but hell)
I must say I watched every episode of Saved By The Bell and I can honestly say those damn kids didn't learn a damn thing from middle school or junior high up thru high school and he also let Lisa wear those ugly ass boots damn near everyday. I mean who hired this dude and why do they still have a job? He never suspended anybody and as far as I could tell he never even changed suits! I MEAN WTF? He knew kids was locking Screech in lockers. He knew Zack was the worst student ever, but he pushed him thru(the birth of President Bush's no child left behind). He knew Jessie was on crack ooh ooh ooh, my bad caffeine pills. He knew Slater had that mullet/jehri curl and let the man where jams and smoothe booties for like 5yrs! He let Zack and Slater fight in the hallway by the lockers and didn't suspend nobody.........but I digress he was also the most gullible man ever. He was constantly bamboozled by those kids, teachers, and parents it was always just sad not funny.......

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